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Marc Orchant and James Kendrick sit down for show #32 and have a look at the official Office 2007 release, talk about the Blue Man Group, discuss the affect Vista will have on the UMPC and give shouts out to the creators of some cool videos. Are UMPCs fully functional Tablet PCs? You bet and we tell you why on this show. Plus, according to the Tablet PC duo, get ready for some great Vista devices early next year (think CES 2007). There is a lively discussion about the convergence of communications with computing devices and smartphones and the impact that will have on mobile technology. Enjoy the show!
Links of interest from the show:
- Jensen Harris' blog
- Office 2007 UI Bible
- Asus R2H UMPC video on GottaBeMobile
- Asus R2H unboxing video on TinyScreenfuls
- JK's day in the life of a Samsung Q1 SSD video
- Comparison video of Samsung Q1 and TabletKiosk eo i7210
Special thanks to Tiedye Keith for the great song "Vulnerable" with vocals by Tony Lindsay of Santana.
great show guys!
Posted by: Rob Bushway | November 12, 2006 at 05:07 PM
I listened to the show and the part about all phones being Smart Phones in the future has me a bit skeptical. I guess it depends a bit on where you draw the line between smart phones and feature phones though.
Personally I work with developing mobile phones (both smart and feature) and while feature phones are catching up it's also true that most phones sold are pretty low end feature phones.
I'd also say that my experience with developing on smart phones compared to feature phones is that smart phones are just not stable enough just yet. The added complexity also mean that you have to make quite a bit of sacrifices without all that much gain.
My personal ideal "future phone" would be similar to todays feature phones but with better integration of Java midlets. If I can have a phone which allows me to use midlets just like a native application and that would be quite sufficient for me.
Posted by: Marcus Hast | November 20, 2006 at 10:00 AM