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« OnTheRun with Tablet PCs #30 | Main | OnTheRun with Tablet PCs #32- get ready for some new devices! »

October 29, 2006


Samiuela LV Taufa

FYI: Hotmail Plus and downloading email messages to your local client/hard-drive.

Just a note that LiveID email accounts (i.e. includes Microsoft Hotmail and domain hosted accounts) you can download your emails using the Windows Live Mail Desktop client.

Microsoft Live hosted email accounts can have up to 2GB mail storage. The administrator for the domain just has to do an 'invite' for using the beta mail.

Not the full feature of MAPI/IMAP Outlook can have with Hotmail Plus, but it does bring some of Gmail's advantages.

Sam T.


Hey guys, great show! Can you send me the link for the freeware - Pandora Interenet radio - that will put the program on the system tray instead of the browser window? Thanks. Eric


Good show! Thanks for the better sound. It's an enormous improvement.

I believe that you mentioned a utility that reclaimed some of the screen real estate covered by the title bar, but I don't see it in the show notes.

Could you please post it?

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