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« jkOnTheRun Audio Edition #24 - Vista RC2 on a Samsung Q1 UMPC | Main | jkOnTheRun Audio Edition #26: Hands on with the FlyBook V33i »

November 07, 2006



Excellent work JK. I also own a Q1, all-be-it the 'standard' version and have to say that it is an excellent device.

You've given me a few things to think about and I really like your set up at your home office. That would be something I would like to see something about, how you have your home office set up, how you use the various devices and so on.

Keep it up!


I especially liked the Spyro Gyra ("Morning Dance" I think) playing during the Media Player portion of your demo.

Davey A in the UK

Hey Guys
just noticed an offer available for today 15.11.06
only for people in US (wont ship to UK).
Samsung Q1 $749.00
worth a look ?



It´s really amazing this video, I enjoyed so much. Thanks a lot.

PD. Where Can I download the orange windows theme that your are using?

One thing more, I discovered your page some days ago and it´s really great for me... I am thinking to buy the Asus R2H

Carry on.
From Spain best regards


awsome review on the vista with your Q!(sammy) I'm jealous as I'm waiting for the vista versions to be commercially sold.!!!


thanks for posting this content (video) .. I'd really think loading it to youtube (where they'd compress it) would be beneficial to both you and your viewers. (then again you might have already done it as I didn't look there)

at sept 6 new egg is offering the 32gb samsung for $434 + $5 shipping ~ I'm on the fence


guess I should have looked but since I'm about half way into the 275MB file

note the you tube link -

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