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  • Kevin C. Tofel
  • James Kendrick

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Techo-geek who's used mobile devices since they weighed 30 lbs.


My name is James Kendrick and a lot of you might know me as jkendrick from many different web sites. I also hang out in the MS Pocket PC newsgroups. I am a Microsoft MVP - Tablet PC and love the slate.

I love mobile technology and have been an avid user and early adopter of so many handheld devices I can't even remember all of them. I am a firm believer of incorporating technology to make life and work easier and more fun.

I have been actively involved in the computing industry for almost 30 years and with the personal computing industry for its entire history. I have served as a technical advisor on IBM’s PC forums on CompuServe, been published in PocketPC Magazine numerous times, and have served as a contributor to user help sites, giving advice about PCs and PocketPCs, for over ten years. I am an IBM-certified speech recognition specialist and I believe that when speech recognition becomes possible on mobile computing devices it will literally alter the world.

I am a proudly self-proclaimed “techno-geek” who have been using “mobile” devices since they weighed over 30 pounds (Osborne) and regularly hauled a Columbia Data Products “portable” to and from South America. The collection that I have actually used is diverse and includes (but not limited to) the original Sharp Wizard, the HP-95LX, Apple Newton, HP handheld PCs (several), Casio E-125, and my currently used Toshiba e805. I believe that these devices must make you more productive than you are without them for them to serve a useful function. One of the things I look for with any techno-tool (whether hardware or software) is whether it helps you accomplish the task at hand without being conscious of the platform.

I live in Cypress, Texas (a suburb of Houston) with my beautiful wife Sheri and our 3 kids ages 12 – 17, have 3 kids in college, and a dog. I am very busy.